Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Part one Week One Homework:

Select a building on the Drexel Campus and take 8 different photos of it. One wall or side of the building must appear in every shot. Example. If you shoot the front of the building, then the front must be in every shot. Take close ups, 3/4 views, shots from other buildings, etc. Bring your photos into photoshop, make them grayscale mode(discard color information), size (edit >transform> scale) them to fit in each of the rectangles on the template page below. Put your class meeting (i.e. Monday 9am) and your name in the spaces provided. Flatten the file (Layers menu), save as jpg file, name file "week one" and your last name (i.e. week one smith). You can copy the template holding down your control key when you select it. 

Part two Week One Homework:

Choose a food truck of your liking. Look at different angles and points of view. Do 10 different 30 second thumbnail sketches of the truck. Choose your favorite 2 sketches. Do a 2 minute sketch of each. Then choose your favorite and do a 10 minute drawing of that. The 10 thumbnails can all be on one or two sketchbook pages, The two minute drawings should be both be on one page ( half page each) and the final 10 minute drawing should fill a page of your sketchbook. Use pencil or pen, make line drawings, shading is not necessary. Do this for 5 different food trucks. See example layouts below:

You may work vertical or horizontal as you see fit.

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